USE IT or LOSE IT! Audiochocolate Points and Rewards Program is Ending on May the 30th!

“Important Update for All Audiochocolate Customers”

We are announcing the conclusion of the Audiochocolate Points and Rewards Program, effective May 30, 2024. We sincerely thank all our customers who have participated and benefited from the program over the years.
Act Now: Use Your Points Before They Expire!
To ensure you benefit fully from your earned points, we strongly encourage all our customers to redeem their available points before the program concludes. After May 30, 2024, unused points will no longer be valid or redeemable.
“To check your accumulated points or to redeem them, please make sure to log into your Audiochocolate account. This is necessary to view your current points balance and to ensure you can utilize your points before they expire on May 30, 2024. Don’t miss out on using your rewards!”
Thank you for your continued support and loyalty to Audiochocolate. We look forward to bringing you new and exciting promotions in the future!”